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Saturday, May 19, 2012

First art exhibition

There is always a first for everything: first painting, first still life, first landscape, first portrait (still to come!) and first exhibition. Firsts are normally not the best, and fortunately for us, most of the time we get second and third chances as well. Is it not true of everything in life?

For an artist it is even more important to persevere, to never give up, your big break might be just around the next corner. And none of us wants to experience rejection, but if you exhibit your work and nothing get sold, it is very human to experience rejection. But we are overcomers. We know that especially in difficult economic conditions, art works are not at the top of the list of needs, it is a luxury. I think Vincent experienced that more than any other artist!

I was fortunate. Two friends and I organised an exhibition of our art works. We held it at my house, we made posters and we spread the word. It was not just another winter's day - it was a cold one. We made it warm and cosy inside, we had cherry and snacks for everybody. Quite a number of people came. It was a huge success and I was fortunate because I sold two paintings! OK you guessed right, my mother bought them! And she still has them. My mother knows a lot about good investments! My friends also sold a few works. It was an awesome first experience!

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