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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Beginnings!

It's been more than a year that I have last posted anything on this blog. My apologies. The thing is just that I took a break from painting the greater part of last year. I felt like my art wasn't improving and together with a lot of other stuff happening I just felt I needed a break.

Looking back I realize that it was a good decision. All of a sudden it feels as if things are moving forward and falling into place. There are possibilities of doors opening at galleries - nothing concrete yet, but at least people (other than my mother) is showing interest in my art!

Over the next week I will mention more about that. What I can say is that I have to / want to do at least 7 new paintings before June that will be exhibited at a group exhibition on a wine farm near Stellenbosch. I am also working on 3 paintings that will be auctioned for different charity causes later this year.

Hopefully I will have time to post regularly every week on this blog. Here are pics of a few of my latest paintings.

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