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Friday, September 13, 2013

How you can win this painting?!?

Enter the raffle and stand a chance to win this original oil painting by MS du Toit.

Every year when we have our Kaleidoscope of Colour art exhibition, we also have a raffle that you can enter to win a painting. This year is no different, and the good news is that we keep all our prices in line with last year's prices.

The raffle ticket only cost you R50 and you can win a painting that is worth R2500!

Here are the details of this year's painting:
Title: Autumn River
Size: 800 x 400mm
Medium: Oil on boxed canvas

Take Note: This raffle is open to everybody, it doesn't matter where in the world you live. It doesn't matter if you cannot make it to our exhibition on the19th of October. Everybody and anybody can enter. Remember also the more tickets you buy, the better your chances to win!
(If you stay in another country, you will be responsible for postage)

Maybe you say, you don't like the painting. You might like a different style! Well, that's OK, because if you win, you just paid R50 for a fabulous and expensive Christmas gift that you can give to your mother-in-law!

So how do you enter: 
  1. You contact me per e-mail: Marietjie duToit, and you give your name and cell no. You also tell me how many tickets you want to buy, and for each ticket you choose a number between 1 and 1000.
  2. I will then mail you my banking details and I will tell you if your number/s are not available anymore, so that you can choose another one.
  3. You transfer the money to my account and send a confirmation of payment.
  4. I confirm your that I have received it and your name with your number/s are put into the hat, as easy as that!

We also have a Lucky Draw on the day of the exhibition. Every person who enters the venue stand an equal chance to win a painting by Simonette van Oudtshoorn to the value of R4
50. We will later post a picture of our Lucky Draw painting.

You can enter the Raffle from today onwards until 5pm on Saturday 19 October. If you have your special numbers like I do, do not wait, enter today!

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