Painted Canvas - The Website

Make sure to also visit Painted Canvas - the website - to view a collection of all my works, with info about availability. You will also find FREE downloads and interesting links to follow. Enjoy!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Atmosphere in Paintings

It is difficult, maybe impossible, to say what the most important aspect of a painting is. What is it that makes a good painting?
Here is a list of some of the most important aspects:
  1. The Notan or abstract design
  2. The composition
  3. The drawing
  4. The colour harmony
  5. The brush work
  6. Atmosphere

A painting with excellent brush work but lack of good composition will not be appealing, a painting with good colour harmony but poor drawing, will once again not be appealing. A painting should really have to have all the aspects working together to really be a good painting. One of the most difficult things is to create atmosphere. Personally I think it helps to leave out some detail; to leave it to the viewer's own imagination to fill in the gaps. It is good to have some dark areas in a painting, where the viewer has to decide what is happening there. Atmosphere can also be created with certain lighting conditions like early morning fog in a landscape, the yellow-orange light in the late afternoon.

I still have to learn so much, but I think that with this painting I have managed to create atmosphere. You can be the judge. I would like to here from you!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

No Third Time Lucky

My lady in blue - Peace in War - didn't make it! I am disappointed, but so are many others, and in any way this is not the kind of competition that Renoir would have won. We had to write out the concept, which I am going to post here in just a moment and I am also now going to show you my painting. The painting is 600 x 800mm, boxed canvas so it doesn't need framing. You are welcome to make me an offer for her. After two weeks, if I didn't get a good offer, I will price her and add her to my website.
Please tell me what you think. Here is the concept:

Peace in War
This painting is about peace in the midst of war and joy in the midst of misery. Since the beginning of time there have always been people who are able to find peace and joy in the midst of war, anger and rage. In the South Africa of today it is no different. There are people unable to get past their feelings of anger and bitterness, while there are those who fill their lives with joy and contentment. Their circumstances are the same, but they do not allow them to control their emotions and their lives. They have a higher life; they rise above their circumstances. They have an inner peace that surpasses all understanding. The artist aims to show that no matter what the circumstances, it is what is in the heart that allows a person to dance with joy. Peace and joy should and can only come from within. The background is dark where the people in anger find themselves, weapons lifted high, ready for war. Crimson, which symbolises anger, is used in the background figures. They have turned their backs towards the light showing their decision to be angry and at war. A black woman has been chosen as the focal point, as her hardships in life would give her many reasons to be angry and bitter. Yet even amongst the most under-privileged, we find individuals at peace with themselves living a joyous life.

Make sure to have a look at previous winners of the Sasol New Signatures competition and later this year of this year's winners.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My first competition

Today I have entered my first art, actually it is my third competition. The very first art competition that I have entered was way back when I was only about 3 or 4 years old. It was a colouring competition and I remember I went all over the lines - but guess what, I won. The first prize was 12 bottles of soda cool drink. The second competition was the one I wrote about earlier. That was also my first oil painting, and I also won. Maybe I am third time lucky.

This time the first prize is a substantial amount of money. The money would be very welcome but I think the exposure will be even greater. Unfortunately I cannot reveal any details at the moment and I also not show you my painting. I do not want to compromise my chances in any way. I will know by next week if my painting has gone through to the next round or not. I will keep you up to date and as soon as I can, I will post a picture of this painting. Just hold your thumbs for me in the mean while.